Michelin adds six California restaurants to its guide, three in L.A. County

by | Mar 29, 2023 | Press

In preview of Michelin’s 2023 update to its California-wide dining guide, the international gustatory compendium that ranks restaurants from one to three stars, added six new restaurants to the state guide this month.

In addition to stars, Michelin also awards businesses with nods for value and affordability (Bib Gourmands) as well as noteworthy openings; the six additions to the California guide — three of which are in the Los Angeles area — could mean they’ll garner any of these notations in the 2023 update.

Read Article Here >> https://www.latimes.com/food/story/2023-03-20/michelin-adds-six-restaurants-to-its-california-guide-and-two-are-in-l-a